Kultūrizmo klubas „Tauras” Marijampolėje.
Adresas: Kauno g. 125, Marijampolė.
Articles about sport
Kultūrizmo klubas „Tauras” Marijampolėje.
Adresas: Kauno g. 125, Marijampolė.
Straipsnis iš LietuvaEuropoje.com – Kokia Lietuvos pozicija Europoje?
Lietuvoje žmonės kartais sako – krepšinis yra mūsų antrasis tikėjimas. Ir ne be reikalo. Lietuvoje tai yra populiariausia sporto šaka, turinti turtingą praeitį ir tradicijas. Lietuvos vyrų krepšinio rinktinė – 3 pagal stiprumą komanda Europoje ir 5 Pasaulyje pagal Tarptautinės krepšinio federacijos (FIBA) reitingą, atnaujintą po 2012 metų Londono olimpinių žaidynių. Lietuvos moterų rinktinė Europoje taip pat yra aukštai – 7 vietoje.
Pirmoje vietoje – Ispanija, o Lietuvą nedaug lenkia 2 vietoje esantys graikai. Pastaraisiais metais sparčiai kylanti Rusijos vyrų krepšinio komanda yra 4 vietoje.
Europoje nacionalinės krepšinio komandos neturi tik 4 valstybės: Monakas, Norvegija, Airija ir Danija. Visos kitos valstybės, nepaminėtos žemiau esančioje lentelėje, turi 0 FIBA reitingo taškų. Paskutinės taškų turinčios komandos – Belgija ir Juodkalnija.
FIBA taškai kiekvienai komandai skiriami už užimtą vietą bet kokiame tarptautiniame krepšinio turnyre. Taškai, gauti daugiau nei prieš 8 metus, panaikinami.
Visa Europos FIBA reitingo statistika:
Daugiau panašių straipsnių rasite čia: LietuvaEuropoje.com
Originalus straipsnis: FIBA krepšinio reitingas
Kriokliai žavi ir stebina žmones visame pasaulyje. Viktorijos, Niagaros, Igvasų ir kiti kriokliai kaip magnetas traukia lankytojus, trokštančius pasigrožėti milžiniškų vandens srovių didybe, žaismių įvairove, pasinerti į jų purslų pasaulį.
Norintiems nuolat šalia savęs jausti vandens gaivą, UAB ,,Žaliasis tropikalis“ padės sukurti krioklių pasaulį Jūsų namuose, biure ar kitoje pasirinktoje vietoje.
Vis daugiau žmonių Lietuvoje savo privačius interjerus ir įstaigų biurus papuošia kriokliais, kurie suteikia patalpoms išskirtinumo, priartina prie gamtos, be to, yra naudingi sveikatai. Karštą vasarą arba žiemą kriokliai drėkina sausas patalpas, suteikia joms vėsos ir gaivumo. Išrankiausiems klientams siūlomos įvairiausios krioklių , vandens skulptūrų kompozicijos, kurios vidaus ar išorės interjerui suteiks savitumo.
UAB ,,Žaliasis tropikalis“ siūlomi tiesių, vingio ar kitų formų krioklius, kurie sukurti iš aukščiausios kokybės akrilo, kuris yra 17 kartų stipresnis, optiškai skaidresnis ir atsparesnis temperatūrai negu stiklas. Rankų darbo akrilo kriokliai atkuria vandens čiurlenimo, šnypštimo ar kritimo efektą. Šalia jų pasijusite taip, lyg pulsuojantis tropikų vanduo leistųsi nugludintais akmenimis. Ramiai krentančio vandens garsas bei vaizdas suteiks ir terapinį poveikį. Naujos kartos apšvietimas leidžia derinti krioklių spalvas ir kontrastingumą pagal vidaus, išorės interjero ypatumus ar nuotaikų būseną.
Kriokliai būna pakabinami, sieniniai ar integruojami pagal kliento pateiktus matmenis. Krioklių priežiūra minimali. Butuose, namuose krioklius galima panaudoti kaip pertvaras ar nišoje integruotą elementą, biuruose – kaip įmonę reprezentuojantį ženklą įmonę klientų priėmimo, konferencijų salėse ar kitose patalpose.
Mėgaukitės vandens vėsa dvelkiančiais, įspūdingais kriokliais, kurie Jūsų aplinkai suteiks išskirtinumo ir gaivumo.
Akvariumas-bokštas, kolona, staliukas-akvariumas, burbuliukų sienelės, kriokliai, fontanai vis dažniau tampa originalia interjero puošmena. Įdomu tai, kad šios vandens skulptūros turi ir praktinės naudos.
Niekam nėra naujiena, kad akvariumai su žuvimis ir koralais, vandens sienelės, kriokliai padeda nusiraminti ir atsipalaiduoti. Bene didžiausią vandens skulptūrų asortimentą siūlančios bendrovės ,,Žaliasis tropikalis“ vadovo Vido Gudavičiaus teigimu, akvariumai, kriokliai, vandens sienelės ypač populiarūs gydymo įstaigose, SPA centruose, pensionatuose, kuriuose vertinamas gydymas garsais, kvapais ir vaizdais. Ypač daug teigiamų emocijų akvariumai suteikia vaikams, o rūpinimasis akvariumo gyviais skatina atsakingumą.
Vandens sienelės ir kriokliai, kaskados, fontanai vertinami ir dėl to, kad drėkina patalpas. Kartais tokie vandens įrenginiai naudojami vietoj oro drėkintuvų. Tai aktualu ir žiemą, ir vasarą, kai oras patalpose sausas.
Nestandartinių formų akvariumai skoningai atrodo tiek moderniame, tiek klasikiniame interjere. Gyvenamojoje aplinkoje tokią detalę nesunku priderinti prie aplinkoje vyraujančių formų, spalvų, dizaino ir panaudoti praktiškai. Akvariumą ar kitokį vandens įrenginį galima įkomponuoti į nišą sienoje ar įrengti kaip pertvarą. Reguliuojant vandens bei šviesos intensyvumą namuose ar įstaigose galima sukurti malonesnę ir jaukesnę, be to, išskirtinę, aplinką.
Vandens skulptūros atlieka ir baldo funkciją. Žurnalinį, kavos ar valgomojo stalą su vandens burbulų kojomis arba akvariumą-stalą galima pastatyti svetainėje, miegamajame ar kitoje vietoje. Pasak V. Gudavičiaus, vis daugiau įsigyjama ir modernesnių stalų, kurių paviršiumi teka vanduo. Tokio baldo šonai sukonstruoti iš vandens sienelių ar krioklių, kurie gali būti tiesūs, vingio ar dar įmantresnės formos. Prie akvariumų-kolonų pritvirtinus akrilo lentynas, būstą galima papuošti originaliu baldu mažmožiams sudėti, įrengti lentynas.
Kaip teigė V. Gudavičius, iš vandens skulptūrų galima sukurti ir tikrus meno kūrinius, pavyzdžiui, teko įrengti akvariumą-gaublį kuriame koralai buvo sukomponuoti taip, kad priminė žemynus, o žuvys – keliaujančius žmones, kiti klientai užsakė akvariumus–kolonas, primenančias romėniškąsias, jos buvo papuoštos spalvotomis mozaikomis, žaismingai apšviestos.
Svarbu tai, jog tokius originalius akvariumus prižiūrėti nesunku. Juos geriausia valyti kartą per mėnesį, krioklius – kas pusmetį. Vandens sienelėms ypatingos priežiūros iš viso nereikia, nes jomis teka specialus skystis, kurio nugaruoja minimaliai.
Šios vandens skulptūros pagamintos iš aukščiausios kokybės akrilo, kuris yra 17 kartų atsparesnis smūgiams nei stiklas, skaidresnis ir geriau išlaiko šilumą. V. Gudavičius pabrėžė, kad mažas temperatūros svyravimas ypač svarbus žuvims. Akvariumų paviršių irgi nesunku prižiūrėti – ant akrilo paviršiaus atsiradusius įbrėžimus galima pašalinti per kelias minutes naudojant specialias poliravimo priemones. Vis dėlto šių vandens grožybių nereikėtų statyti prie radiatoriaus ir vietose, kurias pasiekia tiesioginiai saulės spinduliai.
James Naismith invented basketball in 1891. Massachusetts had cold winters, and people wanted a game that could be played inside. Buck was a Canadian teacher, born in Almonte, Ontario on the 16th of November, 1861. Naismith was orphaned early in his life, and his uncle led him to study Hebraism and philosophy, and to train to become a priest. He graduated from McGill University, Montreal, in 1887 (it was the first graduation of eleven), but at the college he discovered sports: he played in the rugby team for eight years, even when he studied at the Presbyterian College in Montreal. But he dropped out in 1890, to become a physical educator at the International Young Men’s Christian Association Training School in Springfield, Massachusetts.
Naismith wrote the first 13 rules of the game.
1. The ball may be thrown in any direction with one or both hands.
2. The ball may be batted in any direction with one or both hands (never with the fist).
3. A player cannot run with the ball. The player must throw it from the spot on which he catches it, allowance to be made for a man who catches the ball when running at a good speed if he tries to stop.
4. The ball must be held in or between the hands; the arms or body must not be used for holding it.
5. No shouldering, holding, pushing, tripping, or striking in any way the person of an opponent shall be allowed; the first infringement of this rule by any player shall count as a foul, the second shall disqualify him until the next goal is made, or, if there was evident intent to injure the person, for the whole of the game, no substitute allowed.
6. A foul is striking at the ball with the fist, violation of Rules 3, 4, and such as described in Rule 5.
7. If either side makes three consecutive fouls, it shall count a goal for the opponents (consecutive means without the opponents in the mean time making a foul).
8. A goal shall be made when the ball is thrown or batted from the grounds into the basket and stays there, providing those defending the goal do not touch or disturb the goal. If the ball rests on the edges, and the opponent moves the basket, it shall count as a goal.
9. When the ball goes out of bounds, it shall be thrown into the field of play by the person first touching it. In case of a dispute, the umpire shall throw it straight into the field. The thrower-in is allowed five seconds; if he holds it longer, it shall go to the opponent. If any side persists in delaying the game, the umpire shall call a foul on that side.
10. The umpire shall be judge of the men and shall note the fouls and notify the referee when three consecutive fouls have been made. He shall have power to disqualify men according to Rule 5.
11. The referee shall be judge of the ball and shall decide when the ball is in play, in bounds, to which side it belongs, and shall keep the time. He shall decide when a goal has been made, and keep account of the goals with any other duties that are usually performed by a referee.
12. The time shall be two 15-minute halves, with five minutes’ rest between.
13. The side making the most goals in that time shall be declared the winner. In case of a draw, the game may, by agreement of the captains, be continued until another goal is made.
On December 29, 1891, James Naismith defined a new game using five base ideas and thirteen rules.That day, he asked his class to play a match in the Armory Street court: 9 versus 9, using a soccer ball and two peach baskets. Frank Mahan, one of his students, wasn’t so happy. He just said: „Huh. Another new game”. However, Naismith was the inventor of the new game. Someone proposed to call it “Naismith Game”, but he suggested „We have a ball and a basket: why don’t we call it basket ball”?The eighteen players were: John J. Thompson, Eugene S. Libby, Edwin P. Ruggles, William R. Chase, T. Duncan Patton, Frank Mahan, Finlay G. MacDonald, William H. Davis and Lyman Archibald, who defeated George Weller, Wilbert Carey, Ernest Hildner, Raymond Kaighn, Genzabaro Ishikawa, Benjamin S. French, Franklin Barnes, George Day and Henry Gelan 1–0. The goal was scored by Chase. There were other differences between Naismith’s first idea and the game played today. The peach baskets were closed, and balls had to be retrieved manually by cutting a small hole in the bottom of the peach basket and poking the ball out using a stick. Only in 1906 were metal hoops, nets and boards introduced. Moreover, earlier the soccer ball wasreplaced by a Spalding ball, similar to the one used today.
Martynas Gecevičius
Basketball player.
He debuted in the Euroleague during the 2007-08 season, averaging 3.2 points per game, which he increased to 14.2 points per game in the 2009-10 season, making him a desirable player in the 2010 summer transfer market. His Euroleague career high is 21 points, scored against Efes. During the 2010-11 season, he averaged 11.5 points per game in the LKL, and 9.3 points per game in the Baltic Basketball League.
Awards and achievements
Baltic Basketball League Presidents Cup winner: 2008
Baltic Basketball League winner: 2007, 2009
Eurocup winner: 2009
Lithuanian Basketball Federation Cup winner: 2009, 2010
Lithuanian Basketball League winner: 2009, 2010
2010 FIBA World Championship, Turkey- Bronze medalist
2x LKL All-Star (2010, 2011)
Position | Shooting Guard |
Height | 6 ft 4 in (1.93 m) |
Weight | 205 lb (93 kg) |
League | Greek League Euroleague |
Team | Olympiacos Piraeus |
Number | 13 |
Born | 16 May 1988 (age 23) Vilnius, Lithuania |
Nationality | Lithuanian |
Pro career | 2004–present |
Career history | Sakalai (2004-07) Rytas (2007-11) Olympiacos Piraeus (2011) |
Mantas Kalnietis (born September 6, 1986) is a Lithuanian professional basketball player in the Euroleague and the Lithuanian Basketball League with Žalgiris Kaunas. He is also a member of the Lithuanian national basketball team. He plays the point guard position
Mantas Kalnietis got maried in 2009. He’s wife was Mingailė. In late 2010 Mantas and Mingailė had a daughter name’d Grėtė.
Early years
Kalnietis spent two and a half seasons with the LKKA-Žalgiris. He averaged 17.7 points and 4.3 assists in his second season.
Pro career
Kalnietis made his pro debut in February 2006 with the Žalgiris of Kaunas. He averaged 6.8 points on 65 percent shooting in the Euroleague.
Kalnietis helped Žalgiris win a Baltic League title in 2008, two Lithuanian League titles in 2007 and 2008 and two Lithuanian Cups in 2007 and 2008. He also led the team to a 2007 ULEB Summer League title, where he was named MVP.
Kalnietis had a breakout season in 2008-09, when he averaged 11.3 points in the Lithuanian League and 8.5 points and 3.0 assists in the Euroleague. He scored a career-high 20 points in a loss against the Montepaschi Siena on December 10, 2008
Kalnietis signed a three-year contract with the Benetton Treviso in June 2009. However, because he has another one-year contract with Žalgiris Kaunas, FIBA arbiter’s decided that he belongs to Žalgiris. On December 27, 2010 he signed a three-year extension with his hometown club Žalgiris Kaunas.
BBL Slam Dunk Champion (2007)
4x LKL All-Star (2007, 2009, 2010, 2011)
ULEB Summer League MVP (2007)
LKL Slam Dunk Champion (2008)
Medal records
Competitor for Lithuania
FIBA European U-20 Championship
Silver : 2005 Russia National Team
World Championships
Bronze: Turkey 2010 National team
Nickname(s) Saras
Position Point Guard
Height 1.93 m
Weight 93 kg
League Greek League
Team Panathinaikos
Number 19
Born March 5, 1976 (age 35)
Jasikevičius is from Lithuania, but spent his teen years in the United States. He attended the Solanco High School in Quarryville, Pennsylvania Jasikevičius started his international career in 1997, when he played for Lithuania in Eurobasket. Jasikevičius was a member of the Lithuanian national team which won bronze medals at the 2000 Olympic Games. He averaged 14.0 points and 5.1 assists and scored a tournament-high 27 points in a semi-finals loss to the United States.
The Chelsea Old Boys squad consists of 25 former Blues from the Seventies, Eighties and Nineties who continue to play the game they love in order to raise money and awareness for the Chelsea Past Players’ Trust and a variety of international charities.
The Chelsea Old Boys play a number of games throughout the year, ranging from charity matches to corporate events. Most of the players came through the Chelsea ranks and still remain loyal Chelsea fans.
Chelsea Football Club are an English football club based in West London. Founded in 1905, they play in the Premier League and have spent most of their history in the top tier of English football. Chelsea have been English champions four times, FA Cup winners six times and League Cup winners four times. They have also been successful in Europe, winning the UEFA Cup wnners’ Cup twice.
Petr Cech is Chelsea Player of the Year for 2010/11.
‘I love the club since I started playing, and I feel at home here. There are players here when I joined the club still here, we have had good years, worse years, average years, but they made me feel at home and that’s why I look forward to the future.
‘You always want to win everything but especially the Champions League now, that is the only one missing.’
Ancelotti said of his goalkeeper: ‘I am happy with Petr because he played well every time. I was quiet on the bench with Petr in goal. He is a fantastic professional and a fantastic man. Keep going, well done.’
Berankis was born in Vilnius, Lithuania, to Jelena and Genadijus. His mother works in a post office, while his father is a taxi driver. He has one sister, Lina, who was also a tennis player. Berankis resides in Bradenton, Florida, but sometimes also visits Vilnius, Lithuania. He speaks Lithuanian, Russian, and English. Ironically, his last name means „armless” in Lithuanian.
Ričardas Berankis is a Lithuanian professional tennis player. He is the highest ranked Lithuanian tennis player of all time. Berankis began playing tennis at the age of two. Since he was nine years old, Berankis has been coached by Remigijus Balžekas.
In the beginning of his career, Berankis mainly played in Futures and Challenger tournaments. He won one Futures singles and one doubles titles from 2006 to 2008. As a junior, he won the 2007 U.S. Open
In addition to tennis Richard also likes to fish, play pool, listen to music and watch movies, although the repeated workout a lot of time is left. Richard paid in Lithuanian, English and Russian.